This Track provides religious non-profit leaders and broader church ministries with the skills and abilities that are vital for effective transformative ethical business management as a Christian ministry. 

From an ecumenical non-profit organization leader's perspective, this course is designed for leader-learners who want to build on their prior leadership perspectives by grasping new approaches in “change management” . 

From the perspective of the NPO-Executive Leader, this course is useful for both, pre-existing organizations and new organizations, in a community. It is designed for leader-learners to grasp emerging ways of analyzing their inner-organization context(s) and surrounding community, and placing them in dialogue for collaborative leadership and direction. 

From the perspective of a Non-Profit Organization Leader's perspective, this course will examine conflict cycle, styles of conflict management, and intervention strategies for resolving conflict, with focus given to the leader’s pivotal role in conflict and using it for positive change, and the cultural climate for conflict.

From the perspective of the Leader of a Non-Profit Organization, this course is designed to provide the leader-learner with the framework and methods for prophetically articulating the direction and goal (mission), and hopeful outcome (vision) of the organization when in full functionality, all in relevant ways. 

From a Non-Profit Organization Leader's perspective, thIs seminar focuses on techniques that can be applied to collegiate to contextual, practical, or workplace projects. The course features action plan and strategic plan approaches with emphasis on structure, language, form, and usability.