This track and courses will hone in on adaptive leadership applications for broadening the scope of the curriculum, courses, and instruction, as well as invite emerging postmodern and global group of instructors and students for setting forth a flagship Christian School or Christian Education Ministry.
From an Education Administrator's perspective, this course is designed for leader-learners who want to build on their prior leadership perspectives by grasping new approaches in “change management” .

From the perspective of an Administrator or Director in Christian/School Education, this
course is designed for leader-learners to grasp contemporary ways of analyzing
their inner-organization and their surrounding community contexts. With cultural, structural, and global considerations, the leader is best able to disseminate relevant curricula, lessons, and instructors that will increase students' learning.

From the perspective of Educational Leadership, this course is designed to provide the
leader-learner with a framework and methods for prophetically articulating
the direction and goal (mission), and hopeful outcome (vision) , whether pertaining to the school, ministry, students' learning, or faculty's futures.

This course will
examine the conflict cycle, styles of managing conflict, and intervention
strategies. Special focus will be given to the leader’s
pivotal role in conflict and using conflict for positive change, and the
cultural climate for conflict. Mediation, arbitration, and negotiation will be examined

From the perspective of Educational Leadership, this course focuses on techniques that can be applied to preparing action plans for setting forth a stellar plan for either the schools advancement, instruction, or students' learning. Emphasis is on structure, form, and usability.